Aronit – a modern anti-radiator, ionizer and emitter of healing light.
• Aronit saturates the air with minus ions, wchich are very much missing in our cities and homes.
• Aronit neutralizes the effects of electromagnetic radiation.
• Aronit operates for 30 years from the montage!
Aronit is the result of many years of work, research and experience of an agricultural engineer, connoisseur of physics, a radiesthesia master and a bio-energy therapist – Bernard Duliński . The product had received the highest scores during testing of electronic equipment by many German specialists.
Invisible threats in your environment.
Modern man more often undergoes with negative influences of the civilized and therefore, harmful and pathogenic lifestyle..
Earth hides many faults and watercourses, the shapes of which radiate and affect us negatively.
You live in an environment where there are many negative radiations.
Modern man , which is a subject of the negative influences of the civilized and harmful lifestyle, to heal own living environment, more often reaches an ancient wisdom, such as yoga systems or feng shui. In our latitude, a system dedicated to the study of energy is dowsing (radiesthesia). Downsing is practiced by people with special radiesthetic abilities. Books on this subjects can be found in every bookstore .
In general – feng shui or radiesthetics, are based on a study of invisible energy that is constantly in motion and constantly penetrates or even hits your aura and affects the quality of your life and health. In nature, most of shapes are rounded and are very beneficial or neutral for you. Apart from that, there are also negative, sharp shapes in nature, which are shooting at you with energy arrows (eg, plants with sharp leaves or corners of walls) that forms can make holes in your aura exposing you to attack other people (eg a difficult boss or a colleague) or causing discomfort or illness. Movements of water flowing deep underground where you live or work – also can affect you negatively – just when flowing in the wrong direction!
This type of adverse layouts, shapes and paths beneath your home or place of work and omnipresent nowadays electromagnetic smog kills negative ions in the air, without which there is practically no life. This can make you feel weakness, fatigue life, sick, arguing for any reason or even all of your plans can fail, and you can feel the constant depression. Radiation negatively affects your health, hinders the healing process and causes relapse.
Harmful radiation in your environment may come from different origins: :
- Geopathic radiation of earth – water veins, geological anomaly.
- Electromagnetic radiation – from technical equipment, computers, TV sets, transformers, lines of high and medium voltage placed near the home or workplace.
- Radiation shape of spatial and flat figures – eg Chinese roses, five-arms-star, crescent, stuffed birds, ebony, copper plates (eg trunks covered with copper sheets, etc) peacock feathers (if more than one).
- Negative bio-emissions of flowers and some animals (eg, snakes and snake skins).
- Low frequency band of 50 Hz.
A few words about minus ions
Why use Aronit?
If you want to live a healthy and harmonious live, it is worth to protect yourself.
Aronit is a new global method of protecting living organisms from harmful geopathic radiation coming from underground sources, geological anomalies and electromagnetic radiation.
It’s operation is based on the emission of healing white light (technically: the principle of emission of opposite phase, transformation, and impregnation), which in the space of your place of work or leisure forms a protective blanket of a radius of 25m and a height up to the atmosphere around the earth. As the amount of height increases – the light concentration decreases. Emitted by Aronit light neutralizes the negative effect of radiations.
• provides better sleep and easier falling asleep,
• inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria,
• supports the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, neuroses and allergies,
• promotes a harmonious, healthy and long life,
• neutralizes the effect of electromagnetic smog,
• neutralizes harmful geopathic radiation (watercourses),
• saturates the air with negative ions, which are missing in our cities and homes.
Aronit is indicated, if you suffer from: :
• chronic infections,
• trouble with sleeping and falling asleep
• chronic fatigue and stress,
• headaches,
• cancers, leukemia, infertility,
• premature aging (not in every case)
• rheumatism,
• some diseases of the kidneys and lungs,
• neurosis, depression, and sometimes more serious mental illness,
• nightly bed-wetting,
• anxiety in children,
• mycoses (not in all cases),
• all conditions associated with the weakening of immunity.
Use for:
• protection of electrical equipment, computers and networks of computers, phones, transformers, control panels, TV receivers,
• protection of residential buildings, health facilities, education, recreation and leisure, hotels, factories, offices and institutions,
• securing some sections of the highway where due to unknown causes occurs significant number of road accidents,
• in livestock buildings increases productivity and improves the health status of the herd.
Aronit Home & Office is relatively easy to install.
Just exactly calibrate it by setting towards the north and stick with a double-sided tape to the ground.
All the necessary accessories you will find in the kit.
Aronit during operation requires no power , no maintenance or adjustment.
Once installed , runs for a period of from 15 to 30 years (depending on the degree of contamination of harmful radiation).
After cessation of activities it becomes neutral in oposite to some other neutralisers which, after harvest negative energy return them back into the environment ..
Wystarczy dokładnie skalibrować go poprzez ustawienie w stronę północy oraz przykleić taśmą dwustronną do podłoża.
Wszystkie potrzebne akcesoria znajdziesz w zestawie.
Aronit w trakcie eksploatacji nie wymaga zasilania, konserwacji ani dostrajania.
Aronit you can install by yourself, bearing in mind that we do not recommend the use of multiple neutralizers in one house. If you have neutralizers, origin of witch you cannot remember, it’s better to them give up , because most of them had collected the negative radiation but after a time, they start to emit it back. Such a situation does not apply to Aronit, which after the cessation of activities goes into neutral state and remains safe to your environment.
Do not require calibration on north – just put the product in the car or put it in a pocket , backpack or purse – and you’re done!
We cordially invite you to cooperate with us if you are dowsers, traders and shop owners interested in distribution of our products
+34 632 539 512 – Spain